system environment/libraries

silk-ipset-lib - The SiLK IPset library

License: GPLv2
Vendor: CERT Network Situational Awareness <>
The silk-ipset-lib package contains the library needed to manipulate
IPsets (binary files containing a set of IP addresses).

The SiLK IPset packages are derived from the SiLK traffic analysis
tools developed by the CERT Network Situational Awareness Team (CERT
NetSA).  Since the SiLK IPset packages contain a small subset of the
tools in the SiLK package, there is no need to install the SiLK IPset
packages when the SiLK packages are installed.


silk-ipset-lib-3.16.0-1.fc21.x86_64 [294 KiB] Changelog by Lawrence R. Rogers (2017-06-30):
* Release 3.16.0-1
	libskipset changes
		Internal changes
	rwsetbuild, rwsetcat, rwsetmember, rwsettool
		Enhance the manual pages.
silk-ipset-lib-3.15.0-1.fc21.x86_64 [294 KiB] Changelog by Lawrence R. Rogers (2017-03-25):
* Release 3.15.0-1
	libskipset changes
		Add a second argument to skOptionsIPFormatRegister().
		Remove functions that operate on an IPset Header Entry.
		Fix a potential bug in skIPSetWrite() by ensuring that the IPset file's header is set to use native byte order.
		Add the --output-path switch to specify the output file.
		Do not use the the pager when the output contains only the count of the number of IPs in a singe IPset.
silk-ipset-lib-3.14.0-1.fc21.x86_64 [291 KiB] Changelog by Lawrence R. Rogers (2016-11-17):
* Release 3.14.0-1
	libskipset changes
		Add a new file format, record-version=5, for IPsets that contain IPv6 addresses.
		Fix a bug when working with IPsets that contain IPv6 addresses and have more than 44,739,242
		 internal nodes. The bug may cause the tool to crash or to loop endlessly.
		Reduce how quickly memory grows when building an IPset that contains IPv6 addresses.
		Perform additional integrity checks when reading an IPset file from disk.
		Add support for printing a more detailed error message when attempting to read an IPset file. The
		 message is printed when the SILK_IPSET_PRINT_READ_ERROR environment variable is set.
		Fix a bug introduced in SiLK IPset-3.11.0 that may occur when computing the intersection or
		 difference of an IPv4 IPset with an IPv6 IPset that is in record-version=4 format. Addresses in
		 the ::ffff:0:0/96 netblock of the IPv6 IPset were ignored when the IPset contained clusters of
		 addresses less then ::ffff:0:0.
		Add support for counting the IP addresses in an IPset without loading the IPset into memory.
		Fix a bug where a completely full IPv6 IPset would report it contained 0 IPs.
		Add a configure switch, --enable-ipset-compatibility, that allows changing the default IPset file
		 format written by the tools. The argument is the version of SiLK IPset with which IPsets are to
		 be compatible. New file formats were added at 3.7.0 and 3.14.0.
silk-ipset-lib-3.13.0-1.fc21.x86_64 [284 KiB] Changelog by Lawrence R. Rogers (2016-09-29):
* Release 3.13.0-1
	Change across all tools
		Add support for compressing files with "Snappy" compression when the Snappy library and header are found during configuration.
		Add support for the SILK_COMPRESSION_METHOD environment variable that provides a default value for the --compression-method switch.
		Add a --symmetric-difference switch to compute the set of IP addresses that occur in only one of two input IPsets.
		Add more examples to the manual page.
		Add many more examples to the manual page.
		Rename functions sksiteCompmethod...() to skCompMethod...().
		Rename functions sksiteFileformat...() to skFileFormat...().
		Remove some skHeader...() functions from the public headers.
silk-ipset-lib-3.12.0-1.fc21.x86_64 [283 KiB] Changelog by Lawrence R. Rogers (2016-03-31):
* Release 3.12.0-1
		Fix a bug in the code that copies an memory-mapped IPset prior to modifying it.
silk-ipset-lib-3.11.0-1.fc21.x86_64 [283 KiB] Changelog by Lawrence R. Rogers (2015-09-30):
* Release 3.11.0-1
		Add functions to process an IPset without reading it into memory.
		Change definition of skipset_iterator_t.
		Change some skIPTree* APIs from macros to functions and vice versa.
		Fix a bug in skIPSetIteratorNext() and skIPSetWalk() when visiting the individual IPs of an IPv6 IPset and numeric prefix of the current leaf is 64 or less.
		Additional changes.
		Add support for the SILK_IP_FORMAT environment variable that provides a default value for the --ip-format switch.
		Allowing printing of IPset contents without reading the IPset into memory.
		Avoid reading an IPset into memory when possible.
		Print an error and exit when the --ip-ranges delimiter is set to the comment character('#'), newline, or the empty string.

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